car accident impact your legal claim

How Does an Arrest in a Car Accident Impact Your Legal Claim?

How Does an Arrest in a Car Accident Impact Your Legal Claim? When filing a legal claim after a car accident, it’s important to gather as much evidence as possible to support your case and get the compensation you deserve. Proving liability for car accidents is essential to determining the outcome of your case. But insurance companies and other factors can interfere with this process. In addition, if the other driver is arrested, it may not prove that he or she was at fault for your damages. Knowing the impact of an arrest at the scene of a car accident helps you make the right decisions when filing a legal claim.

What Does an Arrest Mean to Your Case?

Many people are surprised to learn that the arrest of a driver doesn’t always establish liability in an automobile accident.  More importantly, an arrest may not be used as part of your claim, which makes it harder for you to obtain compensation for damages or injuries. Police reports, photographs, and other forms of evidence must be used to help you achieve the right outcome. An experienced attorney can help you consider what evidence needs to be presented while establishing the value of your case. If the other driver was arrested for any reason, your attorney will determine if the arrest can be used to support your legal claim.

Reasons for an Arrest in a Car Accident

There are many reasons for arrests that are relevant to an accident such as drunk driving or outstanding violations. But some arrests may not be used as evidence in your case. Drivers who are unresponsive to requests from police officers may face arrest in some cases. Motorists have the right to avoid making statements that might indicate they were at fault. But some information should be provided in order to allow police officers to file a report. Motorists should provide any information related to their driver’s licenses, vehicle registration, and automobile insurance.

Drivers who refuse to provide this information can be arrested and may face criminal charges. But this doesn’t mean that they were at fault in an accident. So you need to be able to determine what evidence should be considered before filing a legal claim for personal injuries for property damage. Drivers can also be arrested for refusing to submit a blood or breath test if they’re believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drivers who refuse to exit their vehicles after being requested to do so by police officers may also be arrested as well as those who leave the scene of a car accident.

Gathering the Right Evidence for Your Legal Protection

The first step in determining what evidence you can submit as part of your claim is to obtain the police report related to your accident. If police officers arrive at the scene of an accident, find out how to get the police report as soon as possible. Your attorney can review the information included in the report and determine the best options for filing a successful claim. Police officers include information related to the scene of the accident as well as any citations that were issued. Other investigations carried out by additional parties such as insurance providers should also be obtained. These reports include information that might indicate who was at fault. An arrest won’t always prove who was liable for an automobile accident. But knowing what evidence you can include in your claim will increase the likelihood of achieving a successful outcome. Getting the compensation you deserve helps you recover losses related to medical expenses and property damage. You’ll recover from your accident and ensure that your legal rights are fully protected.


If you have any questions about your Car Wreck claim, schedule a free consultation by calling our office 404-984-2653


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