What to Ask Before You Hire an Attorney: Will the Attorney Yield to My Wishes if We Disagree on Accepting a Settlement?
Personal injury cases usually settle before going to trial. But what happens when you and your attorney don’t agree on when to settle your case?
Your attorney may urge you to settle early and avoid a costly and lengthy trial. But you might believe that you have a good chance at winning your case in a Georgia courtroom.
Whatever the reason for the disagreement might be, you need to know who ultimately has final say over settlement decisions.
Why Your Personal Injury Attorney Might Disagree With You on Accepting a Settlement Offer
If your attorney urges you to settle your case, it’s likely because they don’t believe you’ll win in a trial, and the evidence you’ve gathered may be too weak.
Some juries may find it difficult to sympathize with plaintiffs, making it less likely that they’ll decide in your favor.
If an attorney believes you may lose in a trial, they may try to protect you from legal fees and other potential issues you could face.
On the other hand, your attorney may urge you to reject a settlement in the hopes of winning a much larger amount in a trial.
If you disagree with your attorney, it’s up to you to make the final decision. An attorney must yield to the client’s wishes when deciding when to accept a settlement.
Working With an Attorney You Can Trust
It’s important to know when your attorney is looking out for your best interests. Although it’s your legal right to decide when to accept a settlement offer, attorneys have specialized knowledge and experience that inform their decisions.
Attorneys are trained to evaluate legal claims and determine the value of your personal injury case. They understand the legal processes involved and the reasonable expectations to have when deciding to proceed with a claim.
You should always consider the legal counsel you receive from a qualified professional. Attorneys have professional codes of conduct they must follow in order to protect clients and their cases.
If your attorney is paid on a contingency basis, they may be less likely to work against your best interests because it would have a direct impact on their fees.
But trials can be costly, and they must manage your risks throughout the negotiation process so that you get the best possible outcome.
Hiring the Lawyer You Need to Protect Your Best Interests
The final decision on accepting a settlement is yours. If a settlement offer is made to you, your attorney will advise you on the benefits and risks of accepting or rejecting the offer
Your attorney’s role is to represent you in a court of law and make sure that all of your wishes are carried out.
Considering their expert opinion is important for you to make informed decisions based on the circumstances of your case.
You want to hire an attorney who will ultimately yield to your decisions. But you also want an attorney you can trust. They should give you the guidance you need to make the right decisions.
Working with an attorney who can protect your legal rights and best interests can help you get the compensation you need to recover from your injuries, hold other parties accountable for their negligence, and reclaim your wellbeing for the future.